Chilliwack Airport
(604) 792-3430
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Airport Operations

  Who pays for airport operations?

Prior to the City of Chilliwack issuing a contract to Magnum Management in 1998 the City had to use taxpayer dollars to subsidize the Chilliwack Airport operations. Since 1998 the taxpayers of Chilliwack have paid zero dollars in operating costs. The costs of operating are now passed on to the users and tenants, not the taxpayers of the City.

  How much does it cost to lease space on the Airport?

Current market evaluation prepared by an independent appraiser indicates a cost of approx. $4.00 per square meter.

  Lease rent increases?

As with any multiple tenant development, negotiations for rent increases are required every five years and timed throughout the year as each sub-lease’s five year period expires. With most tenants, these negotiations are a matter of sitting together and coming to an acceptable agreement. If no agreement can be amicably reached, an arbitrator is employed to assist with completing the rent review.

  Can an individual be prohibited from the airport?

Individuals who pose a threat to safety are prohibited from using the Airport. One pilot has been prohibited from using the airport and this decision was made after numerous safety violations were observed and brought to the individuals attention. Unfortunately, the unacceptable behaviour did not stop.  Safety is paramount and applies to everyone.

  Is there any space available?

Lease space is available please contact Magnum Management 

  Is there aircraft parking available?

Aircraft reserved parking is available. Parking fee $1200.00 per annum for single-engine. $1500.00 for twin. Please call Operations for more information. 604 - 991-0078

  Is Chilliwack Airport certified?

Chilliwack Airport is a certified airport, not unlike Abbotsford or Vancouver relative to meeting all the requirements of Transport Canada.

  What has Magnum done to improve the Airport since taking over?

In the summer of 2019 the first of threephases of the runway expansion project were completed. They entailed the construction of a new drainage ditch around the east perimeter of the airport lands and the infill of an exisitng ditch that laid transverse across the approach path to runway 25.

We are expecting to begin phase 3 in the fall of 2020, which will provide an additional 1000 feet of runway surface, totalling 5000 available feet for take-off and landing. This will provide additional opportunities for larger aircraft to use Chilliwack for repairs, servicing and passenger traffic.

In addition, we are in the early stages of planning for additional sub-leased lands to become available in the fiscal year of 2021-22

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